Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

I remember them now that you reminded me, asshole.

Why even bother with III at that point?

When you name your kid Charles Boggy Creek Pierce he's pretty much doomed to be a B-filmmaker.

Yes, please.

Their new plan seems to be "Let's get movie stars to trick people into the theater!"

Branson entertainment of a decade past

But there's a 90% chance they get killed amusingly.

My closet is not a thrift store!

It's the same word, but in Wales it's spelled siwpffwykker.

It's a long flight to Sokovia when you have to flap the whole way.

alcoholic (or whatever the demonym for people from Scotland is)

WB exec: "What if Superman carried a shield?"

My very favorite J'onn J'onzz moment.

*Rex almost overturns table in frustration but remembers he's reading this in QuickChek on his lunchbreak*

A shoddy product from GM? Inconceivable!

Not far from the truth, actually. New lead regulations around that time made automakers reformulate the paint they used on cars, and their first attempts faded and chipped after only a few years.

It suggests there’s an unknowable mystery and dormant threat inside teenage girls that the rest of the world can’t possibly comprehend.

Things I imagine Brando said on set:


I heard a rumor that your grandma eats, shoots, and leaves.