Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy


I dunno. The vicissitudes of streaming rights are far beyond my ken. But I do know that if I had a service I was trying to sell and a new popular product tailor made for that service, I might be territorial about it. And I'm not nearly as dastardly as the company that inflicted Two & Half Men on the world for a decade.

Also the official cause of Bon Scott's death. He would've been proud of himself if he wasn't too drunk to notice he was dead.

I doubt you'll be disappointed. I especially appreciated that they initially did DKR as two separate releases - which I think you can now get cut together as one full-length film - whereas most of the DC animated movies have a (Budget imposed?) mandated runtime of around 70 minutes, often leaving them feeling rushed

I think what bothers me the most about this whole situation is that with all the strides geeky stuff has made into pop culture the last decade or so, some tonedeaf chucklehead like Zack Snyder comes along and sets everything back a decade. This shit reflects poorly on us! The supposedly adult mainstream adaptation

Bonus upvotes for suggesting they water his corpse. Is there air out there? You don't know!

Someone alert WB that they have a mole.

The Hollywood Reporter is already preparing their Monday morning headline Greek Wedding 2 Inexplicably Breaks March Box Office Record.

At least a week. Paying to see this shit opening weekend just encourages them.

I might watch that with enough serious alteration.

Movie Hawkeye and TV Green Arrow could start a support group for fun comics characters drained of all personality by live action adaptations.

Huh, I didn't even think to try the CBS website. I did the free month's trial of CBS All Access they offered back in October - mostly to see Colbert's first few shows - and was not impressed by the selection of current programming (what with it being 90% identical Alphabet Soup procedurals), and was completely turned

Y'know, I'm not one to fawn all over Frank Miller and DKR - I think it's way too style-over-substance and not nearly as influential as people make it out to be (From the sound of it you'd think Frank single-handedly saved Batman from Adam West and completely reinvented the character, like Denny O'Neill et al. hadn't

Yeah, as a fan it's just sad. I grew up a Marvel fanboy in the '80s/early '90s, firmly believing that DC's characters were utterly lame, excepting Batman, of course, because everyone loves Batman. Then the brilliant Batman Animated Series did little to dispel that, making Batman even cooler without featuring any

Part of me still wants to see Conan O'Brien as Mad Sweeney. But not if they're expanding his role, as it seems they are.

Sometimes the obvious first choice is the best. Like when it's John Goodman.

Do you think it was at all intentional that Marvel has cast so many genuinely nice guys as superheroes? Whether it's clever casting or just luck, it comes through on film.

I was just going to respond "I have no idea. ask The CW." Do they even know?

And yet, despite their obsession with Dark Knight Returns, we don't even get that version of Superman, which would probably still make for a lousy movie but would at least be interesting.

I'm gonna go not see BvS and just let this be the movie in my head instead, if that's okay.