Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

I personally have no complaint with altering the ending. It's (arguably) an improvement, at least for the purposes of a film adaptation.

Your initial point is still valid: Marvel announced plans for the other movies after it was clear that Iron Man would be a runaway success making more at the box office than they had even dreamed. Their excitement was well-founded whereas, after the tepid response to Man Of Steel, WB/DC's plan borders on hubris.

…when Ben brings the Blu-Ray over to Matt's house and hovers over him to ensure he pays attention. "Gimme your phone, Matty. Bros don't text during their bro's movie."

You just wrote the only review I'll need to read for BvS.

Those people all got paid already. Their paychecks will not be affected by the movie's box office success. But if the film underperformans at the box office, it might hurt Zack Snyder's wallet, and he'd deserve it.

You answered your own question with men like Goyer and Snyder.

I'm partial to "The DCW" myself. Whether the Flash/Supergirl crossover makes it inapplicable remains to be seen.

Well, Earth's Mightiest Heroes dialed Hawkeye's quipping all the way up to 11, but almost everything the show did felt so right that that characterization feels much more true than what we're getting in the movies.

They're going to at least ask Stephen Mangan to reprise the role, right? Right?

Just like that, only accurate.

Wait, you're my father-in-law?

But it wouldn't satisfy his psychological need to physically punch crime.

I recommend Under The Red Hood, as it's the only one that improves from the source material. Year One and Dark Knight Returns are good, but they're practically panel-to-storyboard copies, which always leave me with a "Why bother?" feeling. (Unless you've never read those comics, in which case they're probably terrific

Robert Lowery's baggy tights and floppy horns will always be the definitive Bat-Man for me.

I guess that's believable enough.

Goddammit, this hypothetical series will never live up to the fantasy you just placed in my head.

Renner's stuck with the thankless task of playing Hawkeye with half of his character stripped away. He should be the badass non-super quipper, but Downey has monopolized the quipping. And adding Spider-Man to the mix will only make it worse.

I was hoping for Tudyk as Hank Pym too. Or maybe Neil Patrick Harris. Of course, they went in a completely different direction, but I loved the movie so I won't complain.

I imagine there was probably a good bit of that in Joss's original 300-page draft. It feels like every cut for time came at Thor's expense. And yet they kept the pointless Urd's Well scene…

It hadn't occurred to me before but I totally see it now. I'll be waiting for Hunter to drop a "This looks bad."