Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

A valiant attempt, but you failed to use the word troubling. And maybe next time make an observation about how an actor's wardrobe or hair is thematically important to the scene.

Like you don't already know what a penis slathered in karo syrup looks like.

I know Adrian Pasdar and Jeph Loeb worked together on Heroes, but I have to imagine that Pasdar's willingness to repeatedly get his hair cut like that is what sealed the deal with casting.

Since Creel and Matt Murdock are roughly the same age, I'm assuming it was Absorbing Man's father that fought Jack Murdock.

There was nothing thorough about that movie except for it being thoroughly botched.

Wow, I completely forgot about the Hydra Gorgon. (And I only read Secret Warriors a few months ago…) I thought he was a riff on the Grey Gargoyle.

But he's a Secret Warriors character, which the show is borrowing from liberally, and not an X-Men character. At least, that's my understanding. Anyway, it was just an easter egg; I doubt we'll ever see him.

This is only my personal pet theory, but it's simple and I think it makes sense: Wanda and Pietro are Inhumans. Strucker's experimentation with the mind gem activated their alien DNA in a way similar to terrigenesis. There must be something special about them that they survived when none of the other test subjects

One could argue that it's tactically advantageous, as the showy stuff might distract the enemy from your teammates. For example: May does a superfluous backflip while Mack sneaks up behind you and smashes in your skull with a pipe wrench.

I kept dwelling on that, too. A world symposium with representatives from only six countries, and one is Australia? (Although that did give us an easter egg reference to Aboriginal Secret Warrior Eden Fesi.) And nobody from the EU, and it's held in Taipei? Maybe in the MCU Taiwan is indisputably part of China and

Miguel Ferrer is always a better alternative, even if he's working with terrorists.

It helps if you pretend First Person Shooter was written by Henry Gibson.

And the extras don't even appear to be paying attention to the big speeches. I guess that guy playing Galaga on the helicarrier was typical SHIELD grunt behavior.

That title belongs to the preternaturally well-hung (and gilded) mute henchthug of the villain, Lady Aereola Darknipple.

I'm a little impressed by how subtly they've treated the phallus macguffin. With this show I might expect the dagger's handle to be a dildo spray-painted gold.

Sadly, the are no known surviving recordings of 1950s domestic sitcom "The Savages." It seems to have centered around an immortal, millenia-old warlord who takes a few decades off from despoting to settle down and raise a family with his patient but long-suffering American wife and three precocious kids. There may or

It was impressive that Savage could stay focused enough to lift the dagger from her purse, especially considering his millenia-old murder boner for her.

Those flashbacks featuring her brother are definitely the strongest evidence to support the theory, although it could be a red herring, or most simply just there to develop Peggy's too-thin backstory. (How an Englishwoman found herself with the SSR and Project Rebirth is a story I'd like to see more of. There was a

I don't see how digging out a highly classified file from another country's intelligence agency, then doctoring it to make it appear to pertain to that person's sister (who has the same first initial but a different serial number, birthdate, and other identity info) would be easier than simply making a falsified

I'm just enjoying the skit in my head of two X-Men discussing underappreciated character actors and trying to remember Dick Miller's name.