Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

*Smashmouth cover of the X-Files theme plays*

Ugh. If Anderson and Duchovny had been willing, The X-Files might well be in its twenty-somethingth season, too.

No, thanks. Actually, no, please.

Thank you. My comics-addled brain couldn't remember what DC's old monster squad was called. I think it's been more like 50 years, though.

I'm a month late but just had to congratulate you on the rhetorical beauty of wholly-owned island named after you by its discoverer centuries ago.

Huh. That makes the show's poor writing of women characters even more egregious.

I got your intention. Sorry if I came off as combative. Clearly this episode exposed a raw nerve I wasn't particularly aware of.

Scully, taking one glance at Shiraz, to Baby Mulder: "Do we know if his vest malfunctioned, or if he just had second thoughts?" There: confusion avoided, subtext reinforced.

The dull half of Firestorm.

Whoa whoa, let's not go saying nice things about Reyes just because we're angry.

Mulder only listens to the Brandenberg concerto and Elvis. And maybe Prince.

Stuntmen in flamesuits overacting is always inherently funny.

Such a worn-out cliche.

I like to think of it as "canon unless contradicted by the show/movies." Good stories are good stories whether they "count" or not.

If that was really his intention, he failed spectacularly. I'd almost be willing to believe he did it to prove that you can't simply reboot the show with Mulder and Scully clones but I'm just not willing to give Carter that much credit.

She's a polymath genius; he sleeps in a tinfoil hat. Can they work together without falling in love? Find out this fall on CBS!

No! I'm genuinely enjoying The Flash. Keep Amell on The X-Files where he can't possibly sabotage the show any more than the producers already have.

I think there's something about horns in Revelations, but I personally can't separate anything involving Christianity and horns from the demons blowing butt trumpets in the Inferno.

For one they could've made if more clear that Shiraz didn't detonate his vest, which should seem obvious as he's still in (mostly) one piece, yet some commenters here were unclear on that.

A genuinely exciting triller is what's left for a perfect microcosm, but I'm not holding my breath. There's no room for tension when Carter has 15 years worth of rambling monologues to shake out.