Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

So we're grading on a Carter Curve? Bewildering and incoherent would be demerits for any other writer, but when it's Chris Carter he's just playing to his strengths. Stop encouraging his bullshit!

They were technical Emmys. He's also a talented sound mixer.

It's inevitable when everybody on Earth is in love with Hayley Atwell.

He could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue.

They want to discourage "time-shifted" viewing, especially of shows with struggling ratings. Call it a conspiracy theory, but that's my gut feeling.

Well, this Marvel fanboy demamds that Sharon Carter has to be related to her somehow.

You mean his lopsided focus on visuals (and wardrobe) over story? Glad I'm not the only one with that criticism. His comics reviews are like that too. It's not bad, just odd.

That's assuming that show will actually make it past a dozen episodes, which is only a one in ten shot at best.

It's a pretty well-established rule of thumb that good comedy actors can fairly easily transition to drama. Of course, that's comedy actors, not just comedians who got their own sitcoms.

And as a disreputable superscientist, at that! Typecasting.

Christina Hendricks running at superspeed? The sports bra to withstand that strain does not exist. She'd give herself a concussion. Howard Stark had an experimental prototype, though.

If they do go with a Time Lady to replace Capaldi, and it's not Hayley, I will be very cross.

I was about to upvote this but then saw you threw away your No-Prize. I would have that framed on my wall for all eternity.

Don't forget Inara's Bunks. The nice thing about them is Inara'll get in the bunk with you!

Just do it already. And I suggest you skip straight to the second episode, "The Train Job." The pilot is a slog and not indicative of the rest of the series' tone. You'll go back and watch it after you're hooked. And you will be hooked.

Followed closely by The Hat. I hypothesize that Jayne's hat is at least partially responsible for the recent resurgence in popularity of knit laplanders. I've been wearing one this very weekend thanks to the nearly deep space cold here in the Northeast, though mine's not nearly as cunning.

Agent Carter feels so much like a Joss Whedon show that it really hammers home the fact that he's had zero involvement in SHIELD since the pilot. And I've been genuinely enjoying SHIELD, but there are times when I've watched it simply out of Marvel fanboy loyalty and Agent Carter's far superior level of fun hurts it

It's almost as if not all adoptees (or homeless, for that matter) share the same circumstances and experiences, and don't appreciate being used as emotional ballast to keep an otherwise rock stupid horror episode from sinking. This episode provoked a strong emotional reaction from me, but not, I think, the one Morgan

As an adoptee myself, the "treat him like trash" infuriated me. I had hoped that Glen Morgan getting co-exec credit would mean fewer Chris Carter-style ham-fisted monologues, but instead we're treated to a half-baked analogy attempting to equate homelessness, adoption, and a fucking garbage monster. Not all adopted

Margaret Scully was found alive and well, and of normal size, a thousand miles away in a life boat.