Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

And wouldn't you know I was even there in the garden with Mister and Missus Adam!

Where do evil people come from in your world?

You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies?

Has Ben Gibbard not attained Rivers Cuomo-level name recognition yet?

I overlooked standalone in your first sentence and assumed you were talking about Apocalypse rather than Gambit. Funny how it all still scans until you get to actor-driven passion projects.

Morpheus would have a word with you.

It seems like a bunch of cameos by comics creators would be a no-brainer, right? Culminating in Deadpool chopping off Rob Liefeld's hands, a la Frank Miller taking a pencil to the brain in Daredevil.

Exactly. No screwball character works if he's only making jokes to himself. (Which Deadpool has done in the comics, maintaining a running conversation with his own Spider-Man-esque narration boxes. But that would never work in a movie.)

I would move on but I can't afford my own place! Stop rubbing it in.

Deadpool's debut album was Pocketful Of Chimichangas.

Every sequel is a riff on a different superhero movie trope: Deadpool 2 has an anti-Deadpool foil antagonizing him (Cable?), but they ultimately team up against the big bad. (Stryfe? Whom the fanboys all assume is Cable's clone but is revealed to be *gasp* Deadpool and Cable's son!)

Nope. Next you'll try to convince me they made sequels to that Pirates Of The Caribbean movie.

Hmm. So young Wade Wilson witnesses his parents murdered by a mercenary, thinks the guy is so cool he trains fot years to become one himself; nerdy teenage Wade is bitten by an irradiated clown while outside a taco truck; Wade is the last survivor of an entire planet of Deadpools that blew up and is carrying on their

That's almost exactly what it was, but before going completely off the rails in the way only Mark Millar can, Ultimates did a lot to reinvigorate the Avengers franchise.

My first car was a '97 Taurus. Not a SHO but still way more powerful than the teeny Civics everybody else had, plus twice as roomy. Ah, for the days of bench front seats and steering-column-mounted shifters.

I don't disagree with you, but I think you're on the losing team. Your ire would better directed toward gifting. We, as a people, must rise up and drive a stake through the heart of any and all who use gift as a verb.

Neither is football.

Or it could just be that fried became a dirty word in the '90s. Now their marketing is much more wisely leaning into the unhealthiness. "We know it's bad for you, you know it's bad for you, but we both know you're gonna eat this shit anyway. We can fry the bucket too, if you want."

That's where I learned it. And now people are just giving this information out for free on the internet!