Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Bah, if he had it would've been a dreary tragedy told from the grapes' perspective where they're all struggling to defend themselves from humanity and ultimately fail.

From what I've heard, putting the Clooney on a woman can cure her of lesbianism.

I thought that was your whole deal. Why else does an Anti-Monitor even get up in the morning?

It should be a 1999 Ford Taurus, with a SHO engine dropped into a wagon body. That would make me smile, at least.

It may comfort you that I might have had the same thought once.

*slow, respectful golf clap*

Hey, it's at least 5x2. Cripes.

Gozer help me, I even find Kate McKinnon's character's Lego minifigure attractive. It's making it really hard to keep up my righteous indignation.

No worries, we're all friends here.

Hey now, don't make me sound racist. My liberal New York white guilt will give me an ulcer. All I meant was that in the brief flashback/dream where Shadow witnesses his parents' meeting, she's described as being of Scandinavian stock with some Native American ancestry somewhere that gave a her the slightly exotic air

I hadn't really noticed it before, but the MCU does have a bunch of prominent white hero with black sidekick pairings: Tony and Rhodey, Cap and Falcon, even when Thor sat down for a drink with Heimdall it made it feel like we're old buddies. Even Ant-Man had a Hispanic pal. (Hey, they were in prison together! He had

Thanks for reminding me of Project Rooftop. I haven't been there in years.

Guarantee void in Tennessee!

I like overexcited fanboy/girl characters, but yeah, this feels like Kamala lite.

Alpha Flight is there to get them out of Canada.

I have no evidence to base this on, bug I would guess that Beast's lack of romantic relationships (at least relative to the rest of those slutty X-Men) is mostly do to editorial fear that readers would be uncomfortable with a woman smooching a furry blue man-creature. (Bestiality taboos and all that.) Clearly, Joss

I'm hoping Shadow doesn't switch off the TV so quickly an we actually get to see Lucy's tits.

Based on my Google image search, the man never wears a shirt. And was an underpants model, which doesn't fill me with confidence regarding his acting skills. But then I suppose all underpants models can't possibly be as wooden as Marky Mark.

For a 15-year-old book. But that will be a hell of a shock considering the very dark complexion of Mister Whittle.

Me too, and I felt deeply ashamed for not catching it sooner, since I figured out who Wednesday was immediately from much subtler clues.