Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

You mean Luis Guzman? I guess he's pretty barrel-chested now that I think about it. Y'know, his skin-tone is definitely more in line with what Shadow should be. I don't have any problem with him being played by a black actor for the show, but the book makes it clear that he's not black, but of indeterminate mixed and

It's long past time they shot Alpha Flight into space.

You make a good point, and Scarlett Johannsen is a perfect example. While I love her as an actress (and she looks great with red hair), her body type, while very aesthetically pleasing, is entirely wrong for Black Widow, and her gymnastic, balletic fighting style. In fact, if things had gone differently and the more

Huh. I was under the impression the limit was more like 5' 8" or something like that, based on absolutely no research or first-hand knowledge. Not that it matters in the least. I think height is immaterial to casting Carol. Who cares if she can, say, look Captain America in the eye when she can freakin' fly under her

I would have no real complaint with Ian McShane, bug I'd still be a little disappointed because Brian Cox has been Wednesday in my head for nearly 15 years.

Fighter pilots can't be tall; they wouldn't fit in the tiny cockpit. Tom Cruise was pretty much the only actor in Top Gun who could've really flown those planes.

Don't say Nextwave movie! It gets me all excited and then depressed that it'll never happen.

Hmm. But Jeff Dunham with Parkinson's might actually be funny…

Plus a former body builder and personal trainer. Gaiman's initial and only physical description was "Shadow was big enough and looked 'Don't fuck with me' enough that his incarceration was relatively uneventful." (From memory, so maybe not an exact quote.)

I have no interest in living that long if my sense of humor predeceases me. The Abe Vigodas and Betty Whites and Stan Lees of the world are treasures, and the only thing keeping us from rounding up the other miserable, hate-filled oldsters and feeding them to the polar bears.

Wait wait wait, what?! Excuse me , I have to go Google something…

And not only does Disney own a comic book company, it's the biggest comic book company in the world. I get that Disney bought Marvel for their billion-dollar-generating intellectual property, not their publishing business, but it's there; why not use it? It's just weird that they trust Marvel to do Star Wars comics

While I'm sure Joaquin Phoenix would've given us a fascinatingly eccentric performance, I still maintain that he lacks a major prerequisite for playing Doctor Strange: the Voice. He just doesn't have the pipes to adequately bellow those incantations. And without them, by the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth, why even make the

Cripes, he must have earned an honorary degree in space movieology by now.

Especially considering Marvel's predeliction for action-comedies. Still, between the two Benedicts I expect plenty of dry humor.

I'm both delighted that we're getting more Benedict Wong in high-profile movies, and disappointed that Wong the character won't be Kato to Strange's Green Hornet. I was hoping for Stephen Chow. Wong as the muscle is more interesting (and P.C.) than Wong the manservant. But we'll see. Think they'll kill him?

Strange's tiny rogue's gallery is basically evil foils and Lovecraftian unspeakable horrors. Anyway, I don't see any real problem with the Chinese manservant in this case; when you meet a guy in Tibet he's probably Asian. Or an English woman playing a centuries-old man.

You want
The flavor of bacon
In a dip!

I'm fairly certain that's the direction they're going with the Ancient One. She's playing the role with one colored contact lens and a zucchini in her tights.

I'm deeply ashamed that I completely missed the reference, so rest assured that your joke 'splaining was not a wasted effort.