Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

You think Fagin Woodcock even had to audition, or was just immediately hired on the strength of his Chris Carter-style name?

For me at least, the early mythology episodes are definitely tainted by the unfulfilling later ones. It's not dissimilar to the way the Star Wars prequels tainted the originals. I still enjoy them, but I don't love them as much as I did before I was disappointed by the series. Is that a fair criticism? Maybe not, but

So we all had to suffer because you wanted this movie? Thanks a lot, asshat.

Don't warry about it, bub.

And the black ones are way more clever than the grey ones. (Which I guess doesn't really sound all that impressive if you've ever observed grey squirrels. Sorta like saying that dogs are smarter than snails.) Anyway, black squirrels are devious motherfuckers. The ninjas of the sciuridae family.

I know I'm like two months too late to comment, but you just fomented an elaborate fanfic in my head where Crow announces he's going to bingewatch Voyager (because he's devoloped an inexplicable crush on Kate Mulgrew) and, rather than waste his energy trying to dissuade him, Tom just quietly pities him and return to

So I can just skip to the Darrin Morgan episode, like I was planning? Good to know there are still some constants in this crazy world.

Now it's that wonderful run-down, tired old tourist attraction feel but with spotty wi-fi.

Speaking as a New Yorker who never made it to the Twin Towers, I'd recommend you visit the Grand Canyon. Y'know, just in case some terrorists sneak in one night with a few billion gallons of Quikrete.

Yes, and handled as deftly as Poochie's return to his home planet, so the criticism is still valid.

The Galaxy, duh. It's right there in the title. The one we movie audiences live in, or else who cares?

Calypso dominating popular music in the 20th century instead of rock & roll is one of the subtler differences on the sepia-toned, retrofuturistic Earth 2 of the Flash TV series. He'll deny it, but Harrison Wells was way into prog calypso in college.

I (half)remember that too, but can't find any evidence that it ever happened, so either you're not crazy, or we both suffer from the same Futurama-related psychosis. Also power to the engines.

Already disturbing comment becomes extra disturbing when read in Burgess Meredith's Penguin voice. WAHK WAHK WAHK

The more I think about it, Hutcherson would make a better Tommy Wiseau: short, big jaw, strangely inexplicable charisma. Plus, while I have many concerns regarding James Franco's involvement, watching him myg under a greasy black wig for two hours might be the biggest.

Shh! Don't give Franco any ideas!

I'd like to see Tom Hardy threaten Josh Hutcherson with a gun, but I'd rather it be leaked security camera footage or something.

Luke Cage would like to have a word with you.

Wow great idea babe you think of everything!

Best case scenario, the movie is comparable to Tim Burton's Ed Wood. More likely scenario, it ends up feeling like a two-hour-long Funny Or Die video. At least we have the irony of James Franco playing a greasy egomaniacal wannabe auteur either way.