Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

And it's in his contract that Mike gets to beat Kevin with a lead pipe if he ever sings Chris DeBurgh. Sounds fair to me. It's a natural evolution from Joel tearing Crow's arms off for too many puns.

Well, the Invention Exchange is definitely coming back (the invention props are higher-tier Kickstarter rewards), which I'm on the fence about. That concept was running on fumes long before Joel left. "Who's that guy with the Big Head?"

I dunno. They managed to fake spontaneity fairly well the times I saw them live, surfing on the energy of the audience, whereas, to me at least, the in-studio DVDs feel very much like they're just reading the script they wrote. Say what you will about RiffTrax, but MK&B have done a better job maintaining the "seeing

Agreed, though I never really thought about it before. Hmm… Frank was most responsible for choosing the movies back then (sometime mid-Season 2 through the end of Season 6); I wonder how much input he had on CT's picks. Or maybe he and Joel just share the same sensibility for horridly dull movies?

I loved the three live shows I was lucky enough to go to. Few of the studio-recorded DVDs, however, have been played more than once.

It would be pretty bad hubris for the writer of what became Meet Dave to be too critical of people who made a bad film with good intentions.

Well, at least for fathers. Alien is clearly a better sci-fi movie analogy for motherhood.

I've observed that Bill's weight tends to fluctuate wildly. (As a recovering alcoholic I imagine food can be a substitute crutch for booze.) Add that to his pasty complexion - which can only be worsened by being a transplanted Brooklynite living in the frigid Twin Cities most of the year and regularly flying to San

You had me at D-Man as Boyle. (And I think he has Native American ancestry, though it would be a stretch to call him a "person of color." Ugh, I hate that term.)

Plus the boner growing out of her back. There's nothing inherently misogynistic about a male assassin killing a female assassin, but I think it's safe to assume Frank's hard-on nearly tipped over his desk.

I seem to recall them discussing how they couldn't depict (in the comic or movie) the bloody blade coming out of her back, thus the far more suggestive (and nonsensical) tenting effect.

I believe you've already put more thought into it than Carter has.

Pantsuits and six-inch platform pumps in a variety of tastefully muted colors.

The word iconic gets thrown around a lot these days, but there is just no better word to describe that tease.

Foox, as in "I don't give two."

Or alternatively, you can borrow the DVDs that, in hindsight, I paid an obscene amount for.

Z-Pak? He ripped off my college nickname A-Mox! (I got strep a lot.)

Well, it was always bound to happen that what smart(er) audiences enjoy would get nitpicked more than the mainstream. Just being accused of scientific inaccuracies in the first place means that you've done a pretty good job with your book/movie/macaroni sculpture. It's indicative that the central plot and characters

20+ years of steady theater work?

Harriers, by the way, totally cannot do that. Which is surprising considering James Cameron's throbbing hardon for showcasing military equipment.