Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Then it will sit in their warm basement until the next party, when it once again emerges into the daylight, blinking and frightened, only to go undrunk again and returned to its dank prison, and so on ad finitum. Whether each of these cycles has a positive or a negative effect on the "drinkability" of the "beer" is…

Tungsten and pitchblende. Running off to invade Cuba was awfully foolhardy of Sgt ChapStick.

The bloom fell off the lily of that novelty so quickly that "interactive menus" was more of a warning than a boast. "Make sure the volume's turned way down; you've got a full minute of crudely animated menu screen coming. And it loops infinitely!"

This comment should be expanded into, oh what do they call that column the AV Club does occasionally? Primer, I think? Or even a whole new column: Stuff Your Overprotective Parents Made You Miss: (insert decade here) Edition.

The Time-Life Muppet Show tapes are why I still have a VCR. I should probably convert them to some digital format before the VHS tape disintegrates…

It never sat right with me that a serious journalist like Ben Urich would work for what was clearly an ersatz NY Post. Did he run with some story at a real paper that ruined his credibility so badly that only the Bugle would hire him?

Even better than Arrow's bow-fu? That's some of the finest fight choreography on telev- - Sorry, even I can't sustain that level of sarcasm.

It's heartening to see I'm not the only one suffering through this excruciating dilemma. And no "the episode was about to expire on Hulu" excuse.

One more reason Will Smith was a terrible casting decision.

No no no. A speed suit has short sleeves. Harvey's are just rolled up.

Harry Polick was a little too cartoony, at least in his earlier appearances. It made Scarecrow seem less threatening than he could have been. Of course, the visual design didn't help.

Oh, okay.

Step 1. Read all directions fully before assembly.

That's why you hang it in the bathroom.

So, this is the No-Man's-Land Gotham Earth? I guess we'll see Vic Sage pop up to justify the title as Montoya wasn't the Question yet. (Maybe this is when she first earned his attention?), but I don't see how that provides a chance to tie up any pre-New52 Montoya loose ends.

I do too, but weirdly it's his Bull from Night Court voice.

Eight bucks? Then what are you waiting for?! That sucker is suitable for framing.

Please, it's "Idiot Control Now." Everybody knows that.

I can't believe I never made that connection.

Decidedly unbold.