Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

It was mere days ago that I suggested to the missus that sooner or later Disney will announce a live-action Lion King with realistic CG lions. "That's silly," she said. "They wouldn't do that." The day I finally win an argument is getting closer. I can feel it.

TV's Frank Conniff is one of the writers.

How would that be different from now? Parking would be easier, I guess.

What would be a more noble death: eaten by a cryptid lake monster, or an alligator people think is a lake monster?

You just described why I refuse to watch whatever popular water cooler TV series is big at the moment. Been there, done that, life's too short. There are Simpsons reruns that need watching.

But it's what The X-Files was trying to prepare us for. Mulder was right!

Myself, my wife, my buddy, and his wife are all between 33 and 35 and this very subject came up over dinner last week and became the center of a very depressing discussion. Then we all went back to staring at our smart phones and ignoring each other. Glad there are others out there with the same experience.

Isn't that just begging for an angry black man to break into your home and whisperscream riddles at you while holding a gun to your head?

That never stopped him before.

Scully and Elaine Benes shopped at the same store. I think it was Men's Wearhouse.

I'm sure he's perfectly happy not to have been in that movie.

Man, Carter is really good at retconning his own bullshit. That actually sounds great. But I won't hold my breath.

It was the NBC exec who looked around and asked "Why don't we have a comic book show when everybody else does?" Somebody in the back of the room muttered something that sounded a little like "Constantine" but nobody heard him.

Just two? Only if Gilligan can't write them all. And I guess Frank Spotnitz can do one. He earned it.

She needed to make time in her schedule to play Captain Marvel, I'm presuming. That's a ten-year multi-picture commitment.

Huh. I don't think I've ever noticed that lyric. Sounds like a reference to Anansi. Funny how you can hear a song a thousand times but never really listen to it.

Suppose I draw a cartoon of a painting of a comic strip?

Yeah, Robert Smith as Plastic Man makes no sense, unless you consider the stretchiness of his waistline. But "Friday I'm In Love" has the Monday's blue line so how could you not use that for Nightcrawler?

Those make me weirdly uncomfortable. Something about the combination of real-life monsters and characters I associate with childhood. The Manson/Joker one is brilliant, though. Obvious in concept, sure, but the execution's great. In fact, I like the designs of the villain series much more, now that I think about it.

As a life-long Marvel fanboy, it almost hurts to admit this but I think the DC ones work better, if only because DC's superheroes are the very definition of iconic. Or maybe it's just because he did the DC ones first. Probably a little of both.