Gene Parmesan

Let's take Francis and his (mis)deeds out of the equation for the moment…I still don't get why anyone, let alone the majority of the American public, would like Claire. She doesn't have the warmth and kindness that people like in First Ladies and she's been rather ineffective as a politician. There was that failure

The way the Supergirl/Rhea fight was discussed in the National City media as if it was some pay per view boxing match was odd.

Either Kristin Wiig has a massive ego or incriminating photos against Lorne to merit the send off she got while other cast members who are just as funny if not mores, have gotten nothing upon their exit.

The only thing I could think of during those Bruce training scenes was "The wrong kid died".

I'm not sure Zeke did tell him though. I think Varner figured it out on his own. If Zeke had told him, I would like to think CBS would have showed that and let that be the way he was outed on TV rather than have the bombshell dropped at TC.

That would be great if it happened, but we have yet to see the extra vote used effectively and I don't see her as being the first one to do it.

I understand what you are saying, but the way they have been white knighting Brad Culpepper this season makes me feel like he's sadly winning this this. Makes me dread seeing the rest of this season play out if that's the case.

The season has been fun so far, but I feel like the prospects moving forward are looking dire. I'm getting real scared that either Culpepper or Troyzan is winning this thing. We are losing too many interesting players and the rest that I'd have an interest in seeing win have barely gotten any screen time.

Did anyone else think about those Dooneese sketches from SNL during that Oleg dinner scene?

Didn't she also get drunk in The Italian Bob too?

Maybe Flashpoint Ollie does have more of a bloodlust and we just never saw it.

Maybe you do a kid version of 'Very Bad Things' where either an animal dies or something gets broken/destroyed and everyone at the party scrambles to try and hide the fact that it happened.

"Bart's Comet" is in my personal top ten episodes and is in general, underrated, so given that the writer liked it so much, it's no surprise I enjoyed this episode.

Is there an earlier Johnny Tightlips appearance that I'm not aware of? Because I thought he first appeared in Insane Clown Poppy, which aired in 2000, two years after Hartman's death.

Man, aside from my general disappointment in how unfunny this episode was, I noticed several smaller things they could have done to improve the continuity with the original episode.

Loved Gene exclaiming "That's Chumbawumba money!" after Bob said the previous Chef Cat made $40,000 in 1998.

I'm stunned that wasn't picked as the This Week in webisodes Brooklyn Nine-Nine needs.

Is it me or was that scene outside the hospital when they tried to attack Mario the first time we've ever actually seen sunshine on Gotham?

Yes, I know the connection. But I had read that the episode was originally called The Quirky Turkey but then had to be changed for an unknown reason.

As much as I liked the Quirkducers (btw, anyone have intel on why they couldn't use The Quirky Turkey as the actual episode title?), I feel it lost a couple of points for basically repeating the entire play before and during the credits. It felt like filler to me. I would have rather they fleshed out the story more