Gene Parmesan

Would it be too much to ask for Negan to come back next week and take his bat to all of Kristin Wiig's characters next week?

So by my count there were at least three sketches tonight featuring people spraying their hair or body. And NBC has Hairspray Live coming out soon. That can't be a coincidence, right?

Is anyone annoyed that the promo for this week's episode spoiled who was the victor of the competition?

I hope at some point they address whether or not she can actually hit, because as a pitcher for a National League team she would have to hit.

Seeing Kimmy beat up Billy Eichner may have been the best thing I have ever seen on television.

Shouldn't Buckley have wanted to be Shredder and not one of the Turtles?

Yes, great way of putting it.

Seeing the reviewer question why Wiig didn't show up tonight to promote Ghostbusters gave me a sense of dread knowing that she's now probably hosting the season finale this year. After all, Wiig wasn't about to play second banana to McCarthy. Her selfish brand of comedy needs to be front and center. And we know

Should pregnant woman really be going into hot tubs?

I think it's from Christmas in a Car when Bob and Tina are talking about Louise's plan to trap Santa and Bob mistakenly thinks Tina knows that Santa isn't real.

I'm still surprised at the non-edit he's getting this year.

I did not see the Toby is an adult twist coming, but totally guessed immediately that Gail was not a "book girl". In fact, did anyone else originally think that Stewart had made Gail say she never watched the show in order to make the relationship work?

I'm sure someone else has commented on it, but I loved Bob's discovery of Spellcheck in Hawk and Chick. He's so impressed yet also points out how it's not perfect. The fact that Bob is making that observation in 2015 is what makes it so endearing and hilarious.

Can someone help me out here…why would Teddy and Zeke have been involved in the Oeder games? I always assumed Teddy did not have an actual office that would require rent. And do we know who Zeke's parents are? Are they established characters who work on the Wharf or was he there simply because him and Jay Ju are

I hope the payoff for Wuntch's sexual harassment is that Holt actually had a bug hidden somewhere else in his office and uses the recording to get his job back.

It was uncanny really. I even had the exact same thought about my guide mixing up which episode this was after the lengthy birthday story that seemingly could not be connected to a Grampa plot.

I came here to vent about the episode burning through too many potentially decent stories in one episode only for the reviewer to basically steal my thunder. Why is a show so hellbent on staying on the air forever so reckless when it comes to using plots.

Ass Dan also should have been included.

Can someone help me out…in the scene with Gaad, Stan and the other agent that got beat up by Elizabeth, Stan seems to pick up on something while Gaad was signing that form. Does anyone know what he realized there? Was it obvious and I just missed it?

I believe it's Joe, the guy played by Keegan Michael Key last season. Although it would be funny if it was a swerve and it was Sewage Joe instead.