
I'd hate being called John Dunbar or John Smith too.

Twilight: Sparkle.


Filed Under: Long Movies :D

Chillax you Ally McBeals and crank up the Smashmouth! Talk to the hand - NOT!

I really hope a deal was made and some purple dickhead with a giant helmet is coming too.

I can understand people wanting Monica for a Captain Marvel film but personally i'd rather see her in a Nextwave film. (which probably wouldn't happen anyway, so whatever)

I thought his dad was I'ndy'ana J'onzz.

Faran Tahir!
Okay, sure he's 54 but so fucking what.

She's amazing. I remember her as the resting bitch face girl and she was great when she made fun of Jake on Let's Talk About Something More Interesting. Fuck this is great!

I thought we sorted this. She's in that freezer tube in the Delta Quadrant. Janeway's going to wake her up.

Tomi seems pretty confident but deep down she knows she can't handler.

Glad to see these females getting exposure. BB-8 is amazing and my young ones really look up to her. Pity about that stupid fleshy thing trying to take the focus away. End of line.

What's Gary Cole up to these days? Maybe they can finish Crusade now!

Well that'd be in line with Ultimate Marvel Hawkeye, including the murders.

Jessica Drew!


Ignoring Ghostbusters though I think there's a good point about trying smaller budgets so that studios are prepared to take more risks on unknown or original properties instead of 250m on another POTC or transformers. Chronicle cost 12m, looked pretty dope and made 120m. But all that doesn't mean anything if the

Enjoyed this. I'd probably give it a B+. There's one real neat quiet scene with Gadot and Pine on their way to england. I could have been happy with a whole movie of scenes like that. The Ares plot you could see coming but I still found it enjoyable and I loved their throwdown at the end and his design. While he's