
Bullshit. It's a Goa'uld communication sphere. ALL HAIL OUR MIGHTY SUN GOD RA!

The Globetrotters have put a curse on Frank Welker and now it's up to the boys to save him!

I accidentally the whole base.

I want to hear the bear's opinion first.

Sounds like I would love these books. I've always loved when people take chances in books, like Electric Superman, Armored Cap, Superior Spider-Man. I can understand if people think the stories themselves are shit but I would rather them at least try and fail spectacularly. Maybe it pisses off long running fans that

The Fast and the Furious: Race Wars

Interesting. For some reason I thought he had a speaking role as Simon Williams, but as Simon Williams playing Tony Stark in some recently released in-universe biopic, that the Guardians watch a bit of a trailer for while visiting Earth . I just imagined Fillion doing some ridiculously awesome Robert Downey Jr.

Some more Ralph Mcquarrie concept art

I wouldn't have minded much of Season 6 if Terry Quinn had just been playing a more confident John Locke and not some fucking smoke cloud asshole.

I don't know if Interdictors work the same way in new canon as the old EU but there they only stop ships if they're pointing the gravity well things at them. In the thrawn books Luke skywalker escapes from interdictors twice because they can't get a lock on him (if I'm remembering this right, of course)

the trailers have him visit washington, so maybe it's capitol hill

Yay lirpas!

Randy Giles.

I really liked him in Twister and Edge of Tomorrow. Master Sergeant Farell isn't a big part but his shit-eating grin and how he led his guys into battle made him pretty memorable to me. RIP

Bloody flamin' mongrels! Strewth!


I thought the new national security advisor was going to be a bucket with a face painted on it.

I thought it was going to be BB8 wearing an R2 costume.

And then Jon Bernthal shows up for one episode.

She was also in the one where some kid turns into the comic book character and another where Clark can read minds. The hangover episode was worth it for Elvis Gaeta singing!