Just Somebody

I liked the episode, but it left so many questions. Anyway, wouldn't it be fun if they open the finale with Neal waking up in the therapists office, and we find all of this was a dream after he was drugged heavily. LOL Just kidding.. ! Really hope there is a S6. I am not ready to say good bye to my favorite show.

By the things I read from twitter, the filming had already been started when the word came down that 3 episodes were cut. I think they had to make the best of it from that point. I would be very interested to see what they had planned for the other 3 eps.

Remember when they were discussing the Masons in Neal's apt. and said they had ties everywhere in society?. They mentioned gov't. so it is logical to have the Codex and Mosconi be connected to the corrupt officials in DC or whoever worked with Senator Pratt. We never really found out exactly who killed Flynn, the mob

Agree it was a fantastic episode. It brought us more questions than answers. Peter said the files were professional reconnisance. Does that mean Rebecca is a gov't. agent, working for the CIA, NSA or the like? What if Bruce is the big bad? Awful suspicious that he was right there offering Peter the ASAC job right

"One of the show's main themes is precisely "can people change?"

Neal is a conman with a heart, a non violent criminal. They have never shown him trying or wanting to be like Peter throughout the series. Alex is his equal, they both will pull off a con and enjoy a big score. Loved the intense chemistry with Alex, enjoyed the way he romanced Maya, and love the way he lights up

I thought that Tim, showed the complexity of those emotions in that very last scene. "I know you did what you did…", sounded almost fatherly and understanding, like old Peter, and then WHAM he insults Neal, and shows his frustration. Peter is about to break under the pressure. Finding out his freedom was bought and

I liked having the return of Estelle in this episode..Neal calls to have her sent to him and he gets a note to Mozzie. These guys are fun.. good job pigeon, again you save the day.
And Kenny they probably could only pay one animal salary this episode, probably why there was no Satchmo. He did have some good air time

The other possibilities of Hagen knowing about the window are that since he is a brilliant criminal mastermind himself he figured it out with the original copy of the codex that Neal stole for him.. Or he is simply following Neal.

It might help to get a little better understanding of the character if you watched the whole story play out.. it has been interesting and kind of a fun ride so far. Neal has seemed extremely happy being around her, it has been good to see him like that.

I would love to see a flashback with Byron. Would be fun to see the time they ran the gambling rooms in Neal's apartment.

Mozzie DID look into her file! She speaks 3 languages, studied in France. He also checked out her financials etc..

Yes, I like that idea too..kind of seems that this was how they were leading us in the episode where Neal asks June about how she felt when Byron told her he was a criminal, she said at first she was hurt, but then she said she didn't care because she really loved who he was, not what he was…then we have Neal telling

Whenever Alex is in a episode, it is always great. Love her. She works well with Neal and Mozzie, and has tons of chemistry with Neal, I think Gloria Votsis did a wonderful job owning that part! I just wish she would have had more episodes.
I am loving Rebecca too, as she is an interesting kind of character, and fits

I must admit the acting with Tim and Matt was stellar. Actually the whole cast is great.. especially in this one.

Well said whitecollarfan! Totally agree. Feel bad for Neal and extremely angry with ungrateful Peter. It would be nice to not have such an obvious twist as Rebecca being a baddie, but something really shocking that nobody has thought of. Good writers do that. I like Rebecca and hope she is just another kind of June,

As I watched this episode for yet the 5th time, it seemed to me that these 2 new writers, Jessica Grasl, and Julian Meiojas must have taken the time to study the previous seasons to get the right balance of character traits and storyline that attract most of us long time viewers and fans of White Collar. GOOD JOB

Yes, it is so great to see Neal happy. You are right if they make her bad that would be horrible. I think we are discovering yet a new side to Neal. What I like the most about these two is how relaxed they are together. If they make her a baddie, then maybe they have run out of ideas. I like that Rebecca is

Good episode.. it is getting exciting. Love the talk with Peter and Elizabeth with Neal. They seemed back to normal this week. Love Rebecca, still don't think she is working with the Dutchman and I like that she accepts Neal they absolutely have a ton of chemistry between the two of them.. Mozzie and Neal making the

I am hoping the shortened season 5 isn't foreshadowing a cancellation. I do believe they were already filming when the network cut the number of episodes. I believe the butler episode was suppose to be second, and I am wondering if they would have bothered with that filler if they knew they had less episodes to work