Just Somebody

He said such nice things about the other nominees. I think he felt a little bad to be winning again, with all the other talent nominated. I thought it was a classy speech, kind of honoring the others, but I didn't take it as a dig at the show.

Upon watching this episode again. I am starting to think that Neal set up his own kidnapping. In the first scene with Mozzie, after Peter told him the "good" news, Neal thought he was going to be free, & told Mozzie he didn't want to be a criminal anymore. He saw the guy watching but he looked at him as to signal him

What if the kidnapping ties back to Rebecca? This would be a way to keep Bridget Regan in the show in a believable way. It would be a continuation, not just random. Wonder if they planned more originally with this storyline, but because they lost 3 episodes, they had to change their plans. It has got to be a difficult

I don't know how they plan to resolve all of this if we do get a S6, but it would be consistent if they made a mention that the FBI Director who turned down Peter Burke's request for Neal Caffrey's early release was chummy with the Head of Art Crimes in DC, namely one Philip Kramer. Kramer wanted to keep Neal in DC

Personally I loved the moment at Ft. Totten. Neal told Peter she wouldn't hurt him or kill Mozzie because it would hurt him.. He knew exactly how to play her at that moment, plus he knew Moz was ok. I think the camera lingering on her face was to show how absolutely conflicted she was.. She being in love with him, but

Satchmo was in Master Plan, the butler episode.

Why does anyone put a thumbs down on anyone else's posts. Do you disagree? If so, just write your own thoughts. Rude.

Agree with all your post Nancy. This season has been a great watch. I look forward to S6. I really enjoyed the fresh faces/storylines and willingness to try something new.
I second the thank you to Kenny. Look forward to future reviews.

I think it was a set up by the Feds too.

One day before the Finale and still no news about Renewal. I have enjoyed every season of White Collar. They are all a little different, but I'm so glad I have been able to watch this great show from day 1. Just love this cast and am not ready to say good bye to my favorite show. Hope we hear something very soon.

I do think you are correct.

I noticed that too. I also wondered why Neal didn't wear gloves when he broke into the safe.

All I can say is PLEASE USA Network, give White Collar a S6. I look forward to Matt's other roles too btw. Winter's Tale, not a big role, but soon to be released on Valentine's Day, and Monty Clift sounds sooooo good, since Matt will have the complete lead. I don't get HBO but eventually hope to see "The Normal

The glasses became a character of their own!!

Yes, in Person of Interest he plays Hersch a real baddie. Good Actor!!

The next episode is titled Taking Stock so the finale is the week after that. Anything is possible on White Collar, so maybe your theory is a good one. I do see Bruce having something to do with the Masons, the Codex, Hagen, Rebecca and the pushing of Agent Burke to Washington. Why mention his name throughout S5 if

Interesting Theory. It would be a fun watch.

After the way this season progressed I would actually welcome that scenario. It also would provide a reason for Peter to stay in White Collar NY. I do enjoy watching Neal around the criminal element.

Absolutely! Very enjoyable watching all the changes with this character and the storyline has been great. Too bad they made her a killer. Should be interesting what she does next.

Agree with most of your post. except this is the way I see this, Regarding Peter and Neal, I think it was purposely played to come across the way it did. Peter only cares about Neal now when he uses his con skills to help suit his needs and purposes. Otherwise in his eyes, Neal is a criminal that can't change, Kramer