Just Somebody

I think what they did portray to the audience previously was Peter having to be strong around Elizabeth as to alleviate her fears.. We did see Peter with a continued deep desire to find David's killer, and he showed some emotion at work, but couldn't be that way around Elizabeth. I like that Jill was someone who

I think the Neal and Jones scene wasn't about looking at a "bombshell" female, it was more like an FBI profiling of their good friend Peter and an unfamiliar lady agent. I thought that was a great part of the episode. They could see a lot from Peter's uncomfortable body language. I liked that and always enjoy Neal and

I'm sure if it really was a random crime that no they won't focus on it, but if it comes out that Seigel was following Neal and they were in that vicinity and it has something to do with the Dutchman we will revisit it. I don't know when but Peter is bound to find out about the deal Neal made, so I am sure all will

I think they were in production already when the notice to cut the season from 16 to 13 episodes. happened. I am fairly certain last week's butler episode was one of the first episodes filmed. Also it was originally listed as episode 2. Throughout the filming I followed the Spoilers and pics. It seems the fireman

Yes, re: the Burkes, I think they are setting up Elizabeth and Peter for some tension. You can find Spoilers which came out recently for next episode. I did like the ice skating at the end. Love how athletic Peter is.. Peter the Athlete and Neal the Artist have been portrayed well throughout these 5 seasons.

It is obvious that this episode was meant to be following Controlling Interest. I like that it picked up with mention of the missing 2 million dollars and the way Elizabeth is afraid again freshly relating it to Seigel's murder and his picture on the wall at the end, brought the story back again… I enjoyed the

This episode was originally slated to be episode 2. Think the shortened season changed things up. It did feel out of place but it still entertained. Next episode is suppose to be more classic WC too, but from promo's looks like we will get back into the story arc, at least I hope so.

Pulling Strings was probably the worst episode of the series. Too bad they intro'd Elizabeth's parents in that one, with the stupid case of the week being with Sara's ex fiancé. Would have been more fun to see Peter's father- in- law hanging out with Neal.

I remember Peter driving on the island when Neal was shot. Was there another time on the island?

They usually throw in a filler episode or two, before they can build up to the finale. I liked the episode, it was a new kind of wc crime that they have never explored before. It wasn't an A episode, but entertaining nonetheless. I didn't feel punched in the gut, like I did with the heavier toned eps lately, namely At

I would give this episode an A. It was tension filled, enjoyable, funny, dramatic and a shocker all rolled into one. Loved Seigel, sad to see him get written out so soon. He was a very likable character and related well to both Peter and Neal. I could see the parallel of David and Neal, both coming to New York to

Dan Shattuck wrote this one. He also wrote Ancient History where Alex returned. I have always appreciated that he took time to get some of the details from the first season correct and incorporate that into that episode. For example, the long history she and Neal eluded to in Home Invasion. He is a good and thoughtful

I liked the episode . The shout out to In Time was cute.. when Diana asked Neal how he'd fake his death, he said he'd jump off a bridge.

So true isn't it? Liked your joke. So many unanswered questions. Gotta love White Collar though the acting alone is worth watching.

If you remember in Judgment Day, Mozzie told Neal that he moved Neal's portion of the treasure out of the country before the Keller fiasco, in case Neal ever wanted to claim it. He also says in that scene that the treasure is still worth more than either of them could spend in a lifetime.. So they were pretty well set

If you remember in Judgment Day, Mozzie told Neal that he moved Neal's portion of the treasure out of the country before the Keller fiasco, in case Neal ever wanted to claim it. He also says in that scene that the treasure is still worth more than either of them could spend in a lifetime.. So they were pretty well set

I have read somewhere that he is in 7 episodes of White Collar.

Love White Collar, my favorite show. This episode was well done. The story good, the acting superb. I would have liked it better if Elle and Peter would have mentioned that the reason Peter got so heavily involved and ended up in jail, wasn't only because Neal's father was involved and Peter wanted to help Neal, but

In Diminishing Returns S4 episode 3, when Mozzie returns, Neal asks him about the treasure, and Mozzie replied that it was safe. Also in Ancient History, S4.8 When Neal was telling Alex how much trouble the treasure had been, she called him a whiner, and told him she could take that problem of his hands. YES, Mozzie