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    I think the whole thing is funny but you're not wrong it's bloated I just think it's hilarious and I think the funniest parts in the sequel are funnier than the funniest parts of the original

    Anchorman 2 is way funnier

    duckworth still gives me chills after like 10 listens. that's an amazingly well written song

    I'm excited to listen to the rest of the album but I just wanna say ballad of the dying man is one of the best written songs I've ever heard

    oh wait someone said this

    Lol have you ever actually tried to talk to a trump supporter

    good lord there are a lot of semicolons in that first sentence

    Think he's been on the show more than once decrying pc police or some shit

    someone who's made it this far into this election undecided sucks. don't understand why we were lionizing this dude in the first place

    billy corgan is a disgusting freak & he loves alex jones

    wait the government is…bad?? what


    huh, wow this song is really terrible

    so now I get to compulsively check Wells fargo center website & see if this causes a cancellation of the show I'm supposed to see tomorrow night, thanks a lot parisian goons

    understand this reaction but she was there for fashion week and part of her "brand" or whatever is definitely wealth and looking fashionable so showing up with all kinds of different jewelry makes sense to me in her case. not that it "makes sense" just like I sort of understand? I don't know

    ok I went to a sublime concert once because I was invited and got a free ticket and dirtier stinkier juggalos seems accurate. also it was sublime with rome and 2015 & they still opened with date rape which was around the point where I passed out drunk on a blanket for the entire concert

    Wow this is crazy. lena dunham is annoying & terrible? wow. holy fuck

    you picked drunk & hot girls as one of his best songs? Ok

    Different strokes for different folks I guess. I barely made it through

    Julienne donkey boy or whatever. trash humpers is damn near unwatchable but would've been more interesting as a project if he'd gone with his original plan of making vhs copies and leaving them on the street in random places