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    Everything is terrible, you're allowed to hate more than one thing

    if you want a good time, check out this band's new profile in rolling stone the lead singer comes across like a gigantic dickhead and more or less says anyone who doesn't like rude just hates everything and wants to hate something that got popular


    james blake makes boring, sad music

    you can examine art outside of an artist's actions. he's consistently redefined a genre. and that's how he usually refers to himself. As an artist. he describes his music making process as creating a "sonic painting" that he sees what he wants something to sound like. idk, I'm a fan and I don't really care to convince

    his albums have a cohesive sound. so he works with multiple musicians and producers. So what? He gets an album that sounds complete. I think it's an apt comparison


    how many people are in an orchestra? Is the conductor important?

    What a dick

    Nah was making fun of how they wrote it

    *cough* attempting to throw shade at the Kanye album *cough* you got the name of the album wrong *cough* your criticism is pointless since out of the 19 songs on that album only two were released as singles *cough* *cough*

    the dude filing this lawsuit is Almost as big of a baby as Kanye

    it's an amazing album if you cut out about half the songs

    Wait did serial season 2 need some life injected in to it? it's been pretty great consistently this season there's significantly less tire spinning

    It's not his best or most playable album but I met a little girl is definitely one of his best songs and is that enough is awesome as well