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    Yea I was getting very irritated with last nights episode. Not much of what happened made any kind of sense. it felt like they had their ending they wanted and took the absolute laziest route they could to get there

    Yea they peaked a long time ago each album after money store has had like one or two good songs on it

    Yea this is unfortunate I'm a big fan of hers especially 30 rock but using your platform during times like this to basically say be quiet is pretty shitty

    Wow I wasn't a fan before but this song is really good

    Just sentence him to release the wu tang album for free, no jail time

    my man innocent

    You would be extremely right that movie was pretty bad

    The point: you're a dumb turd

    Yea I was pretty clearly joking in the comment you're referencing. The story was in reference to jones being a piece of shit and I sarcastically said I thought he was good. even if I genuinely believed Alex jones was good doesn't mean I couldn't have my own very valid reasons for not liking a dumb piece of shit movie.

    You're stupid too.

    I had no problem with the amount of explosions, no. I just thought it was stupid

    I just saw this movie here's my review: it sucked

    lol South Park is not too smart for anyone. Five year olds can watch it. Attaching this much value to South Park is where it goes wrong. It's not smart, it's aggressively dumb and anti learning or caring about shit. That's fine for a tv show but when you start calling it smart people start looking at it as a place to

    Life is better if you just pretend the simpsons ended around season 10

    I guess I'll just have to waste my time on other television. What a shame

    I quit watching legion when David visited jermaine clement in space or whatever it just wasn't clicking for me and seemed too try hard is it worth trying to finish or am I going to be as annoyed as I was by the first half of the season

    2017 has been salvaged

    Yea that is one of the most unintentionally funny quotes of all time for me. I don't not like Tarantino or anything but he's kind of an idiot

    I'm biased as a twin peaks lover but fire walk with me is easily one of the best movies I've ever seen.

    if she does, I'm sure she'll just absolutely run over her opponent