
Felt like I was watching that episode of Real World: Go Big or Go Home again (deep cut - what's the venn diagram of people who watch JtV AND current episodes of Real World?).

I debated posting a literal response and did it anyway :) I'm still struggling a bit with completely separating the show from the books if only because I really enjoyed the books, and I'm trying to project that enjoyment onto the series.

2 - She became a master magician almost the same way Alice did. She received Reynard's Godspunk.

She's trying to make a deal with Martin so he'll help her find Reynard so she can get her revenge.

BOOK SPOILERS!!!! Is it the ocean voyage or just living in Fillory for a bit as kings and queens? I'm going back to re-read the trilogy again soon - kind of upset with myself for not re-reading them before this first season.

It didn't help that I really couldn't understand most of the stuff Sophie said.


True! I was thinking the wire was included in the list the detectives rattled off, but it was probably my mind making my prior assumption a fact on its own.

I believe Dewey knows sand in a barrel would be heavy, and Dewey is saying anyone with a brain would know this tidbit, so the fact that these adults did not realize it means they're stupid and should not be in charge of educating the youths.

Fran was all of the viewers when he succinctly said something along the lines of, "Weird, Hannah wants to be loud and inappropriate when she shouldn't be."

Nothing about Elijah's "perfect" relationship going exactly where we were all waiting for it to go???!

I understand why people are drawn to this show, and I will continue watching it (for a while at least), but the issue-per-episode formula is growing quite tiresome. Between the staging, studio audience, and each episode's subject matter, I feel like I'm watching a weekly after school special.

I knew that other dude was wearing a wire and I thought Richie was smart enough to realize it too when he was saying "you killed him" etc. But then the conversation continued.


Coulda seen Val come out to play again!

No, "eskimo brothers" lived a whole life before being mentioned by Taco on The League.

I was waiting for the camera pan, too, and after reading your comment I'm thinking the person she bumped into must have been a stand-in for Blake.

AND the whole plot of Jane the Virgin's episode last night was based around the Bechdel test. Hmm…

I thought she changed into scrubs as comfy clothes/pjs once she got home.

The Elsa/Anna naming of the twins made me…uncomfortable? I kept waiting for the punchline or for the other shoe to drop, but it didn't. We're really going to continue the series with twins named Anna and Elsa? Thank goodness it doesn't snow in Miami or there would FOR SURE be a heavy-handed snowman reference.