
I must respectfully disagree.

Thanks, Stefan.

who ISN'T into Ilana?

I didn't like that CeCe got drunk before her big audition. Take a shot or two to loosen up (if necessary) but WHY have her get completely drunk. It seems way too immature and illogical for her.

Michael's gonna die, but he's gonna love Jane until then.

…Lincoln says immediately after dialing 9-1-1.

Mrs. Hughes deserves far far FAR better than Carson.

Was it DeRay Davis? For some reason his name keeps popping into my head in regards to being associated with that album.

Free one-month trial, but that's none of my business.

*The A.V. Club*

Oh, I didn't mean to detract from his prior albums or his rapping capability. I just felt that the beats, the features, the ideas of the songs on TLOP stand out more than his words.

I dig the album on a very real level, but it also serves as a good reminder that Kanye first came up in this business as a producer, not a rapper.

I think there are rumors/theories out there that he did kill (or at least threaten to) in regards to his gambling issues…don't quote me.

That gd line got a chuckle out of me, and I'm so mad about it.

Cephelo does have a hunger for munching on scenery.

Wow I didn't recognize him! You're so right, he's the cuckold in Mad Men so roles are absolutely reversed.

Sayonara, Michael. I would not miss him.

The glimpse of Jane with her hunky thick slab of manmeat seemed like it was a fantasy sequence of sorts…time will tell.

There are explicit HP references throughout the books, but I just took it as semi-meta bits of fun.