
I yelled when I saw "Dev" on the tv!!

The "lasted about an hour" part especially piqued my interest. Hi Wil.

I don't understand how the bad son is not even a semi-believer yet…his angry shtick is wearing quite thin. As soon as Amberle emerges from the tree with the promised seed, he should start to see that all of the tales are not lies.

I thought it seemed like a cop out on Che's part to go on a rant about nominating movies that no one sees instead of going on a rant about #oscarssowhite

Carrie would agree with you.

She's credited as herself on IMDb.

AGREED! I couldn't help thinking that Zoey has to have a better voice than Diane (if she wasn't trying to sing poorly).

Medium-good episode in a medium-bad season. The Alex storyline spoke to my soul though. I am the sarcastic asshole, and any time I try to lighten up or sound optimistic about things my friends/family/strangers assume I am either making fun of the situation or I've lost my marbs. It's frustrating, but it also reassures

Yep, Jo is definitely the odd person out.

All the cast members seemed looser in this episode…they also seemed to be surprised by their scene counterparts at moments - like Lorne gave the go-ahead for more improvved lines. Anyone else notice?

I disagree - I got the sense that they normally have sex more often than monthly, and Mitch was embarrassed when Cam said that.

Why didn't Tom take the dog that the lady left at the park????!?!?!!

No. No, we don't all remember the one with Keanu and Lori.

Not only was it quite clear that Meers was a woman, but I was positive it was the maid just for the fact that she was wearing an odd amount of makeup.

I hope Michael was dragging Kevin straight to Miracle Max.

Yep. Nora leaving and refusing to answer Kevin's calls did not make sense to me either. Also, how in the world is she caring for both Mary and Lilly?!

From the second the camera started panning around him, I was already laughing.

STDs are a social construct.

Why call your husband when he's already dead?!?!?!??

I felt an odd amount of sadness when the privileged Johnsons began making fun of their cousins for not being able to afford name brand items. That scene made me strangely uncomfortable.