
The actor playing Deegs was one of the best things about Santa Clarita Diet.

One of my first thoughts after I heard the news, too..

I'm a late-comer to CBB, and it was kind of hard for me to pick it up at first. Now it is by far the podcast that makes me laugh the most and that I look forward to the most, whether I know the guests/characters or not. So glad I stuck with it.

I missed the part where Nick and Lisa said they used to date, but if that was the case…was he the father of her aborted feet? Is he going to get her pregnant again this time around? Pretty glaring that Ethan's swimmers were never tested (unless I missed that part, too).

I guess I should clarify that I almost exclusively ate chicken strips and fries at restaurants. I ate a fair amount of other food items at home.

On the other hand, I ordered chicken strips and fries almost exclusively until I was 16ish and now I am one of the least picky 29-year-old eaters I know. I liked what I liked back then, and I like what I like now (just happens to be everything).

I was at a brewery that offered different flight options in order to try several beers at once (duh, everyone knows what a flight is). My friend and I were talking to one of the bartenders, and he mentioned they had a milk flight for kids to partake as well. My friend (only kind of) joked about ordering one, and the

I felt the same way until I realized that we accompanied Dev on his whole ride home. I appreciated the storytelling from that aspect.


AIM like the word, imo.

But all of these acronyms (brb, www, gsw) were designed for spelling/typing out, thus making them shorter than the words themselves. As an 11-year-old leaving aim to eat dinner, I didn't have the time to type out "be right back" I mean c'mon sheeple.

had to roll my eyes at "fucking millenials" though.

A$AP Rocky would've been perfect, but I just like looking at him (he was great in Dope though).

If it clears more room for Elijah then seeeeeee ya, Shosh.

The timeline kept fartin' with me. Every time Mickey mentioned it I was surprised.

Wasn't even worth this comment, buddy boy.


Without the slightest tremor, too!

He was also the one who, after the mistake was identified, told the La La Land people that he wished they could all keep statues as well. Huh??? Seemed like a strange reaction, but lord knows how I would react on the spot like that.