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    "OK, it's pretty complicated but I'll try to explain. So there's a three-eyed raven, right? And then (this is where it gets complicated so stick with me) another younger person trains to be the next three-eyed raven. Are you still with me? I'll slow down a little. Then, when the three-eyed raven dies, the new person,

    Yep. Anyone left in King's Landing is toast, especially if Tommen's death sets off Cersei. Plus what happens at the end of aDwD.

    Good point. I suppose the body went into the harbor.

    FWIW, it looked rubber to me.

    First time I've seen that one. Now that would be a twist.

    For a second, I thought we were going to see Rhaegal and Viserion's coming out party. That was enough red herring for me to be naively surprised by Dany's return.

    How crazy would it be if that shot of Varys's back was the last we ever saw of him?

    Wildfire? Others? Dragons? Littlefinger having his own sigil?

    Even though I liked the episode well enough, it's hard to argue with anything you're saying here. You're right about Arya for sure. She goes from being stabbed to being being totally fine with jumping and running, to being bloody and limping, to staring down Jaqen triumphantly. I mean even if she does kill the Waif,

    As exciting as it was to see the Hound's prosthetic, that scene was torture for book readers. I think I need to watch it again—this time not searching for Stoneheart clues.

    Don't assume it's a dude, bro.

    Howland Reed saw it in a green dream and ya know, since he's Tom o' Sevens and all…

    Weird episode.

    Plenty of convincing theories that the Land of Always Winter connects with the Grey Waste in Essos.

    It could've been from the CotF's cache as well. They are described as forging obsidian in the folklore.

    I want Coldhands, Patchface, and Brown Ben Plumm all at the same time. The Dragon Has Three Heads!


    Euron is a big disappointment thus far. In the books, he's legitimately scary. In the show, he looks like he belongs in a sports bar.

    Hopefully something more satisfying than "CGI is expensive."

    Plenty of surprises in this episode, but maybe none were bigger than Bran and the Crow's training session ending so abruptly. I'm sure we'll get more flashbacks as soon as they find some more weirwoods. Full speed for the Isle of Faces!