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    Bingo. Each stabber gets a cold taste of Longclaw.

    Those seem like some solid possibilities. Maybe Podrick too? Just dying randomly from a wight south of the wall or something?

    Roose wasn't even an option in the GoT Dead Pool.

    They could've at least shown him clutching the dragon-shaped cyvasse piece.

    It ends with her being confronted by Khal Jhaqo. Though in the book, she is still with Drogon when the khalasar arrives.


    I was holding out a little hope that the final shot would be the wind rippling a kraken flag as Balon (in the foreground) mosies across the rope bridge…..maybe a good season 6 opening scene.

    Yep. It will be a game-changer when they're south of the Neck.

    Stannis is described as "grinding his teeth in anguish" for the better part of aDwD. Real fun dude.