
That was before the internet told her she should be offended because they were.

He is grown man writing for Vogue, why wish death upon him and end his suffering?

I picked up The Black Adder collection this week from the library and of course it was scratched to shit and basically unwatchable, but Brian was awesome.

It's funny because women are still buying magazines.


Irish Car Bomb:

pssssst … if your microwave is an IOT device connected to your wireless router, it can be loaded remotely with malware and communicate with other wireless devices also connected to the same router and turn on those units microphones and cameras. Derp.

What they need is more editors … maybe an even dozen will help.


Juan Williams confirmed for huge pussy … film at 11.

Gently ribbed … for her pleasure.

Donde esta el bano?

Childish and Stupid.

Can robots man Twitter accounts … lets find out.

Ha you call that a leak? Here, hold my beer.

Creepy old Joe likes to grope the little girls too much to be President:

More like Cucktain America … I just came up with that on the fly.

Maddow could have had an actual IRS rep on the show to explain all this but Rev Al pulled a blade on her producer so they had to cancel.

Nobody made a fuss when Kid Rock slit a clowned up Obama's throat with a bowie knife in a video so why is this a big deal now?

People are finally starting to wise up to what those FEMA camps are actually for, re-edumacation for anyone who doesn't properly ship Bouncy.