
He has successes mixed with failures and has learned from all of it.

Because that means Obama has ZERO experience, nada, zip, nothing. Trump wins by a landslide.

Neither could the Atlantic Club, the Showboat, the Revel … too many casinos were bvuilt and most of them failed.

Obama has never even run a business so how can you even compare? His biggest involvement in finance may have been taking out a mortgage, not even close to the same league. Atlantic City took a dive for sure but other casinos got hit as well when they overbuilt.

None of what you listed has jack to do with improving an economy and raising revenue to slow borrowing, it's just all fluffy bunny shit. He has 4 years to make a dent in the debt, increase jobs etc and that will convince more voters than a thousand silly media hit pieces.

History. You can't be involved with a worldwide enterprise and not be more experienced than someone with an purely non-financial academic background whose previous govt experience never involved budget responsibility. It's a really low bar to get over in comparison.

Obama never ran a business and lived off the taxpayer. Never balanced a budget, and doubled the national debt.Thats what he learned in Chicago, just spend away and kick the can down the road until it is someone elses problem.

The VA would have been good considering it's current state, but that doesn't feed starving children in <pick a="" place="">

The media as omnipotent, they can tell the future I guess. They know shit about how his policies will turn out after not even 2 months.

He knows finance better than the guy before him thats for sure.

No he could pick something most the country would like and be criticized by the media anyway for having his priorities out of whack. It's all a gotcha game.

His reelection depends on the debt if he can drop it or at least stop it's rise. Former businessman, yeah he knows without the need for a chart.

He would be second guessed and criticized no matter what he picked so let the critics navigate the minefield.

The Vets would be a smart choice by the media.

You know he is hoping they pick something self serving or something that shows the majority of them are uber libs. He should have just said it would go towards the national debt.

eh … close enough.

I am so sorry but there was a mix-up in the envelopes again, the real winner was LaLaLand.

They have enough actual rapists to keep them busy for another 6 years.

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