
Go to your bunker.

Did you watch the video? Does that look to be outside to you?

"outside the store" … major fail for Apple store employees to allow a customer to be needlessly harassed.

Just more proof that kids are the least discerning consumers of entertainment. Adult hacks who can't cut it with mature audiences target their allowance money as an end run around their more discerning parents.

If twitter is nice enough to nail a hash tag to the top of the trending all day, might as well use it!

He also put on a dress for the 1st-19th anniversaries but nobody seemed to care and just quickly looked away.

As soon as he finished Jeffires made a beeline to the nearest camera crew to complain about how the Congressional Black Caucus is not taken seriously.


That is a much better way of saying it than "chakra release".

Some may have misinterpreted it but others saw it as a paid for promoted hashtag that Twitter would not mess with and untrend or remove it entirely, and meme bombed it.

Only with a valid prescription for the liquid codeine.

For me it was former Packer Johnny Jolly who got repeatedly busted for it's possession down in his native Houston where I guess it's a big deal.

I saw him at a celebrity golf outing once and the most notable thing about him was he was the most bow legged man I have ever seen. Looked like he had spent his entire life on a horse.

That Cranston pic looks like it could have come straight from a Playboy mansion party.

C'Mon GJI you are falling behind!

Spoiler: It ends with Cancer Aids.

::: Uncle Jim shuffles off, back to the solace of his van down by the river :::

Ryan is getting BTFO's from all angles. Rand Paul is pushing a different plan and the right in general is pissed that it's not a full repeal and replace (although House is claiming this is just step 1 of 3). Ted Cruz wants Pence to take over in the Senate to bulk up the House plan once it gets there.This will all then

She is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Who'd a thunk it?

Emma Watson confirmed for a furry?