
The only thing I like about it is that you can scroll through the previous newswires and see who wrote them and know which ones you might want to just skip straight to comments.

The URL changes as you scroll, not sure if that counts as a click or not.

We are just waiting around to see if you take a shit.

Silly old bear.

That salmon had turned.

Well the 3 times does fit my OCD, fit my OCD, fit my OCD.


I have never scrolled so much without the "of cock" payoff.

He hath forsaken us I fear for the bright lights of television.

Wax on, wax off

I will now turn in my Community Fanclub Elite membership card.

I don't know I think it's kind of dense, there are so many layers to it.

Sure, I mean who among us hasn't been startled and keeled over like rigor mortis just took hold?

I heard the real reason was that when she hugged Casey he whispered in her ear "I loved you on Community".

Wait … doesn't he have to put on pants before he unzips them?

And Emma pays 150% more for hers, but it does come in a fancier bottle.

I got a Lifetime Movie notification for this, so the system sometimes works.

But they have feels man, doesn't that count for something anymore?

Expect a DMCA notice from Dreamworks in the mail Mr. sticky fingers.

#TeamCoco (is that still a thing?)