
Citation needed.

Good one … hard to argue he doesn't fit the globalist term. He spreads himself on both side of the aisle but heavier on the Rep side I believe. I wonder if Dems feel the same way about their candidates taking his money as I feel about Reps taking from Soros.

Just letting Obamacare die under it's own weight was always an option. I believe they took the penalty component away already by instructing the IRS not to reject returns that skipped that line so that is already costing it some funding. Sounds like he gave the House a shit or get off the pot deadline, but it seems

Haha … he said read.

Yes, you can go in by submarine through a hole under the Antarctican ice sheet that the Nazi's found. Easier than taking the overland Admiral Byrd route.

They all have seen the info on "TheHammer" surveillance Dems and Reps alike. Was first presented to them 2 years or so ago and the data is said to go all the way back to 2004. The prospective leaker has been trying to get whistleblower protection instead of dumping it out to a third party like wikileaks to disseminate

For a Republican yes, yes it is. Take all you can get.

If you are a Republican you don't take foreign globalist money period, especially not from the guy who owns the oppostion party. Taking Right wing billionaire money is no problem, that is what they are there for.

I would settle for any Republican Cong. who doesn't stuff his pockets with Soros bucks, thats an automatic disqualification.

Glad this Ryan mess got sent back for fixing, would be a real shame if he lost his speakership over it! I just wish Rand Paul had showed one tenth this much balls when he ran in 2016,

I understand AVClub not allowing pics to be posted to prevent meme wars but when the topic is dogs I wish everyone could post their pets. My German Wirehaired Pointer just turned 2 last month and is an absolute clown.His favorite thing is to go out with me to get the mail and carry some of it back inside, he prances

Yeah … poor choice of words, who knows what else is in there and how far back it goes. Probably enough that Oliver Stone will have perpetual wood.

I started a Tumblr page just so I could start posting City Girl fanfic. I will be back later to post my related Patreon info for those who want to support my endeavor. This … is … my … dream.

I don't think the NYPD should be releasing any pics, nobody wants to see that stuff.

6 million docs from 47 hard drives the NSA whistleblower provided has him feeling pretty confident, only question is who else's name will pop up as being surveilled?

You just know there was some leg humping going on here, the dog may have even been involved.

Cheeto stained tiny hands will get extra points.

Yeah that is bad if they sit too long. There is a shot called the cement mixer where that curdling and solidifying is done on purpose, nasty.

Another cheese pun thread … you sir are a muenster.

Anna has power in the mag industry, best not to poke that bear if you ever hope to move up as a writer.