
It was AF basic and not really as much of a challenge compared to the other branches. On confidence course day if there was a line backing up at certain obstacles they would just give you a quick look and if it appeared you had any muscle tone at all, waive you around.

I went through basic with a guy who was having his girlfriend send him LSD microdots hidden under the postage stamps on letters. TI's could never figure out why he kept laughing when they got in his face to dress him down.He got held back when we graduated.

Hep me, I have a obsessive compulsive monkey on my back.

You sir have made a huge mistake. I suggest you logoff for a bit, then come back and make anustart.

::: goes on Twitter to organize flash poke and burn mob :::

Her dance number on Mad Men at Sterlings derby party was delightful.

::: sharpens pitchfork tines, lights torch :::

Me too, at first I had faith, but no more.

Great Job Twitter!

Just saw her picture, confirmed for Rhode Island Red.

Man the Wisconsin Pork Rectum Producers alliance is not going to be pleased if the state is flooded with foreign product. They will probably tip off state inspectors to be waiting at the border and said rectums will have to be dumped in Illinois…. where God intended them to be.

Or from the awesome adventures of Edward Snowden.

Your mom sounds awesome, mine just yells at me to get a job.

No, it's a form of self promotion that can either be sincere or just for show in order to curry favor with a certain audience.

It was a very special South Park, I know I learned something that night.

I think it's about attitude, and fashion, and virtue signaling, and one other thing I can't quite put my finger on.

Member when South park was coool?

You don't want no part of this Dewey.

McCain is a deep stater as well, they are in both parties. Not a coincidence that these long timers use the same ruses to enrich themselves and their campaign war chests.

Hey, I'll agree to include McCains similar foundation and it's ties to foreign money as well.