
To beat back the deep state, Clintons have to be staked through the heart. This includes Chelsea and her hedge fund failing hubster as the media is now trying to make her happen as a viable political force.(they were only 2 of 4 I listed as well)

Sessions now has time to investigate Clintons Foundation foreign donations.

Thats what we need to heal, get the Chads together with the blue haired womens studies majors and see what happens next!

Word on the street is that due to threats from normie furries, the Alt-Furry and Anime-Right have joined forces in a mutual defense pact. If #BeachBoysTwitter comes off the sideline as well this could get ugly in a hurry for the libs. Colorful, but ugly.

They are still protected in many areas even with their rapidly increasing numbers. In Wis it's still a special permitting process to hunt them. They do head into towns where they are protected and occasionally will go after kids, over in Min they would go after them while kids were waiting for the school bus. It's

Ok, who would like a banger in the mouth? Oh … right, I forgot that here in the states you call it a sausage in the mouth.

Behold! The field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren.

He has worse table manners than John Kasich.

Jaden blows own mind … only requires one tissue.

If the house is a rockin, don't go a knockin.

Hey that Syxx guy sucks as bad as X-Pac!

Scissor me timbers!

Well getting out of the vehicle is not really in the job description according to the union rep.

Oh great, here come the vegans to ruin another thread.


You could see marks on it where the jockey was hitting it.

Reminder that Peter Pan was just fiction, in the real world you do have to grow up eventually.

So now he is doing Melissa McCarthy impressions! Turnabout is fair play.

I wonder if the password was ihatemyjob1?

This article only included 2 tweets, surely there is more to this breaking story!