
Tyler Perry's Hotep Brothers.

Tumblr is that a way ———————->

You must have missed the part when I said that a wave of economic migrants were clouding the issue for Europeans in regards to accepting actual war refugees. If you are a European citizen does it really matter what caused them to come in great numbers whether escaping a war or just leaving a failed economy? Syrian

She should punk him by putting a frog in his fedora, then filming his expression when it jumps off his head.

But still sexy and doin it, at least according to a magazine I saw waiting in the checkout line.

Jane Fonda sidles up next to you and gives you "the look"

For Syrian rdefugess agree. What I am referencing are the boatloads landing in Sicily and the crossing at Gibraltor. These are not Syrians and are not fleeing the war zone.

She turned my cousin into a newt.

I wish it would die as well, there are more interesting things to crowd source investigations into right now instead of wasting time on that.


Lesson learned, don't build your castle out of sticks.

Or Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait etc, wealthy Mideast countries that could provide an environment more suitable for Syrian refugees than dropping them in North Dakota. Most of the posts I see from Italy and Spain now are not Syrian war refugees but economic migrants. Not families but unattached military aged men. This

Thats true he could have specified just another night of car fires etc. But it was also reported on inaccurately. He never said terrorist attack yet thats what they run with. Either way, problems in Europe will now get some attention.

Curse of Oak Island … this is the episode where the actually find something right? RIGHT?

If nothing else good came out of 2016, staking Jeb! through the heart was a win. Time to move on from both of these "dynasties".

He needs to explain what the hell he was saying.

So you are all in on Hillary2020. Don't be left out, donate now!

Milo press conference today 3 pm in NYC.

So while Colbert was mocking last night, Stockholm was burning. Move along plebes … nothing to see here.

Here are the original articles from archive: