
Milo was never really in the Alt-Right. The closest he came was writing a long article trying to explain the movement:

They were happy counting the hits until this weekend when they posted a piece claiming Milo was trying to normalize pedophelia. At that point the previous pieces they posted were being used as proof they were themselves promoting it and calling into question whether their newfound objections were just politically

Just saw it reported Salon has removed their Todd Nickerson pedo posts from the site. Must have been getting alot of hits today.

There has to be more here than just some nearly year old statements from some highly watched videos for things to move this quickly. Have seen at least 3 twitter accounts with long time ties to Milo hinting at more to come just within the last hour.

But do they agree with you …. in song?

You mean besides blow? … no.

Thats true, I think this is from the NRO types, they seem to be the ones pulling the strings on the CPAC speaker list.

You can't figure out all the warring factions on the right without a scorecard. This one seems to be pinned on the neocon #nevertrump faction.

According to the programmers whose code I test for quality, being a dick is my job as well.

Here … hold this torch to light your way. I'll follow behind with the pitchfork to make sure you stay motivated.

This makes you a bad person … not the former but the latter.

Just to cater the event.

My analrapist says yes.

No, the Nazis are the ones that want to hang him from a tree.

Proving the old ad still holds true, there is always room for Jello.

Ahhh … the Dolby theory! Well played.

upvoted for all caps shouting. This is how it's done correctly.


Chasing Amy 2: Out of Breath

Nerds and Shannon Doherty hardest hit.