
You'd think her mom would have filled her in on effective remedies by now.

So Cee Lo is basically the black Patton Oswalt.

One half of that award got Fostered last night.

There is still the all woman camp close by as well that only Tara knows about?

I hope the relive her visit to the US where John Travolta made an ass of himself.

Just a reminder that Diana may have been a princess, but Beyonce is a queen and where is her damn documentary?

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Oh I didn't know he was on the case. Now I can relax and binge on Community seasons 2 & 3.

Or frustrate yourself further this weekend by trying to figure out Who/What/Where/Why #Vault7 is.

Calm down Roger.

Darling Nikki was unavailable for immediate comment.

::: rolls down sleeves :::

Make Pepe Le Pew again!

And it's Teti … this place could use more Teti.

I have lost track over the last couple years how many experts have said it was time to get out, SELL. Then it just keeps going higher even now with the supposed apocalypse Brexit or a Trump win would bring.

In her home country driving a Prius qualifies you to use the handicapped spots.

Thats not paint.

I read this as stereotypical beatnik poet complete with bongo flourish at the end.

Bubbles Tale: No I don't want a banana THAT bad freak.

I almost get the impression that public sector unionistas are a tad miffed.