
So somewhere in South America, perhaps Portugal.

I got a Gary Burghoff notification for this?

Lets get this trending! #TeamKylieTheOtherOne

::: sucker punches AJ in the face then runs away like a girl :::

Garanimals are sooo hot right now.

This needs to be settled in a octagon filled with pudding.

Oh well …Whatcha gonna do?

Just saw this for the first time, promo film for Micheal Bolton's band Blackjack. One of the biggest acts of 1979 you may never have heard of:

Sony pictures wrote off a 983 million dollar loss on their movie biz for 2016. Another outfit lucky to have a large corp behind it.

Save the cheerleader? …. wait

Dear Mr. West,

Ohhh … that one is too good to last long.

Greer tells Married audience, Say goodbye to these!

Meanwhile in Leafland, Justin Trudeau held a "we're number two" parade in a show of strength.

I felt a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of housewives suddenly went dry and stopped fapping.

Agent Starling can confirm.

Nowadays we know that the REAL bad storm systems have airborne sharks.

Now that is a #HawtTake that should come with a warning label.

Isn't that the Gov whose "leadership" included breaking down and crying on camera?

Arrested Development seasons 1-4 binge.