
Ok … now who wants pie?

The bidding will be intense for her at a future truck stop auction.

::: Putin's twitter intern is found floating in the Volga :::

Dear Stephen,

Stop trying to make the CW happen.

ERROR: Divide by 0

Best Sean Spicer tweet:

Dick thought getting acting lessons from Elvis was a good idea.

Oliver Hardy on the lam.

Meh … just buy them all a happy meal and call it good.

::: pulls pin on Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch :::

Richard Dreyfuss.

Is it … comfortable?

And the weaksauce gets more water.

But we can still Bork him though right?

Right now … crunches.

Oh … so the sign they saw was a swastika. It all makes sense now.

No of course not, this is Sweden not Denmark.

They come in handy if your candy bar gets stuck in the vending machine?

1 of them was in Ace of Base.