
I was expecting some hot chicks …

Teti found … recall the St. Bernards.

Bon Iver heartily disagrees.


Chance that Gaga goes full retard … 100%

Brianna Wu stars as the space monster.

More pajama boy than Spencer but both have ridiculous hair.

My chess club prez was more punchable than that … TRUE STORY

In America … first you get the sugar water, then you get the bees, then you get the Saldana.

Some kids will do anything for a hot plate full of tendies.

Can you have those ready by the close of business today?

It's called fashion … look it up!

Oprah is going to have to cut a couple bitches.

How did he not get a gig with national lampoon out of this?

You are not fooling anyone "Ron"

Ryan just smiles, and nods.

Has he been tested for nazi yet? Somebody should do that.

::: nekkid bongo solo :::

The top pic is meant to show kids how to make armpit fart noises.

Dude … you gotta quit skipping meetings.