Thats an ugly image, but not as bad as Yoko and Hillary together.
Thats an ugly image, but not as bad as Yoko and Hillary together.
Still is. I read he was trying to raise money because he had to buy back some of Johns posessions from her. Sounds like he got nothing after he died.
and down the weird wormhole I went.
I thought Nowhere Boy was pretty good, showing the very early days and his story about his upbringing.
But, nude sce…. oh I see what you're saying.
Thank god it's over! Jake Tapper really does shitty shadow puppets.
This film should clock in at less than 4 hours for reasons.
Lynn Dickey makes his own commercials for his BBQ restaurant now and they are hilarious.
Well, that garbage isn't going to take itself out!
She sees you too, and her chin begins to quiver.
Fun fact: In New Zealand the country swirls down the toilet in the opposite direction.
Dude all I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.
I was too old for this shit.
Your move Solange … a pair or better to open.
I bought a sporty pair of deck shoes from Carter Bays.
Bad move, made for cable Christmas movies are where the big money is.
::: sad tambourine shake :::
Chapter 1: It's still my turn assholes.
Not sure how, but this book is already on the NYT best seller list.