::: Arthur Chu does enthusiastic DX crotch chop :::
::: Arthur Chu does enthusiastic DX crotch chop :::
Then they should either hold it or just piss down their leg like they do at home.
As long as he leaves the dogs at home he is still welcome there.
Typical with lost continents, they are always in the last place you look.
Not snorting the ashes was a missed opportunity for one hell of a buzz.
Confirmed: That is a theory all right.
Shut up Wesley.
I have contacted the Better Business Bureau and they promise a full investigation into this deceptive advertising.
Thats funny, Barack never puts his hat on backwards at home.
Get a room you two!
According to Harley:
Nuff said.
So not to profile you or anything, but can you give me a Yay or Nay on the series Doc Martin for my viewing list?
So perms for men have come back into style now?
Dressed like that he is not sneaking up on anybody.
Put some pants on for cryin out loud!
Don't you dare touch that thermostat!
Oh she is bad all right!
Looks like somebody bet the over on todays tally.