::: laugh track :::
::: laugh track :::
I can't attend but have stopped shaving my legs in a show of solidarity. The neighbors all seem to be impressed.
Well he seems to be suggesting she is an adequate substitute for Hormel Black Label Bacon for breakfast, and that is just crazy talk. Hollyweird … am I right?
Maybe it's just me, but this show always seemed kinda gay.
Rhys will truly be a master of disguise if he pulls this one off.
No freakin way … not again!
Deep deep DEEP in the mines of Tumblr … abandon hope all ye who enter here.
Actually, I believe they are mandatory for journalists.
I wish this committee existed back in my day. You don't know fear until someone comes up to you screaming WHAT IS THE FREQUENCY when you truly don't know what the frequency is. Still shaking.
Trust Dolan, tonight, let it be Lowenbrau
He seems to have taken his ab game beyond Gosling like levels. There is a showdown brewing here, something has to give.
It may only be a 10 minute scene but it took 2 weeks to shoot.
I would have guessed Longmire, but this…. this is bad.
Well that wrinkled old granny isn't going to CPR herself, get in there chubs.
You can almost hear him muttering … the memes … the memes over and over while rubbing his freshly shaven head.
It's a movie about ethics in entertainment journalism..
Who is the genius that started naming generations at "X" anyway? Kind of limited options going forward as they have to save "Z" for the generation to end all generations.
Depends, do you find yourself out randomly walking in the woods?
My new performance art show will include yours truly reading a selection of Donald Trump tweets as only I can.