Hidden Figures: Legion of Spanx
Hidden Figures: Legion of Spanx
She will, and they shall make her their queen.
What if say the turtle was a she, and was also your secretary, and liked it kinda rough?
Probably doesn't help that he looks like a cop.
My woke 8 year old just asked me "What are you doing in the Twitter war daddy?"
Have we verified Molly Haskell as a Nazi yet? Seems kinda Nazi-ish.
Oh yeah. Hard not to see his influence starting with Jackass to now with all the youtubers.
Now this guy gets it!
Not to go all conspiracy nut here, but you know what goes good with eggs?
And the bronies? … They will be pulling plows somewhere in Kansas.
Yuge if true.
I always thought he was more "fashion icon". That bandana around the leg thing was a trendsetter.
Why yes we do … it's that what you have loaded in your van?
It will take Ben 3 hours just to take attendance.
$20 and my left nut says this will be a hit.
Stunning and brave to say that in front of such a hostile audience!
London is just filthy with them.
This is not the Emma Watson reveal you are looking for.
Slut Power!