
So Solange is a really really really poor mans Beyonce?

Possible that Porunn returns after her wanderings as a volva? I don't think we have seen the last of her.

Emo Taylor Swift is the bestest Taylor Swift.

You get a Nazi … and You get a Nazi … and You get a Nazi!

ad Hitlerum is sooooo 2016.

::: Note to self :::

Ok now it's just going to be really uncomfortable next time I have to go upstairs.

Well, I think we have all been there.

That "all protein diet" line never worked on any of my girlfriends.

A Ok

Your heading into dangerous territory mister, watch your 6.

"It's a brave new world, and I don't understand it"

Ektachrome over Kodachrome? Pffffffffttttt Paul Simon never wrote a song about Ektachrome now did he? WELL DID HE?

Someone put on some coffee, we are going to be here for a while.

There is also the theory I read that it wasn't a comma that fell but instead was an apostrophe, but thats just crazy talk.

Wow … poor dude really got Munsoned.

Here, take mine. It gives me a horrible case of the winds.

Joshua Carpenter would like to go on record that even though there might be scenes showing some common deli items, the movie is not about jewish control over the food industry.

I'm going to regurgitate and re-chew this thread later at my leisure.

Regular milk drinkers don't bother me but seeing some asshole sipping on strawberry milk will make me cross the street.