
Resting O face.

The [CURRENTYEAR] meme will live on though right? RIGHT?

Pork bellies, which are used to make bacon, which you might find in a bacon and lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Well she has no soul so this checks out.

Member Spam?

I blame a slow week for new posts

Imagine being so full of yourself that you think anyone cares why you will no longer be 1/360th of a freakin choir.

I ran the DMZ one time on a dare from Kim Jong Un. I was dodging bullets and side-stepping landmines the whole way, protected by nothing more than hutzpah and a thin layer of lycra.

Pro Tip: Sometimes to fix your cable company you need to declare bankruptcy and get a fresh start.

Subaru execs sigh realizing their ad campaigns are having no measurable effect.

Jimmy can still toss with the best of em! Still looks pretty good in a wife beater too.

Mostly dwarf tossing and Rollerball.

::: bongo solo :::

Will there be muh vagina references?

I like the theory that the moon is really a Deathstar and basically hollow, It was placed into the earths orbit by aliens to keep an eye on us. The far side of the moon has all the access points for coming and going spaceships.

Witnesses said "told ya so" dance …

In fairness, he could have also accomplished that by simply shitting on the stage.

Repent now Paul you dick, don't think I can't reach you.

Expect a call from Danielle at Antique Archeology.

Agent Cedric: Wait, you dropped your phoney dog poo.