Is it true sir that you were harassing Tom Arnold?
Is it true sir that you were harassing Tom Arnold?
Still here and still large and in charge.
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things doesn't belong.
A&E gets suckered in by some LARPers, what a bunch of twats.
Plot twist: Randy Quaid IS the star whacker.
Next selfie will be of her wedged onto an airliner toilet.
Can't put it above the twitter quotes. These are actual celebrities that have taken actual time out of their actual day to chime in on a hot button issue as quickly as possible. Got to give them top billing..
4 out of 5 Dentists surveyed agree that it will also get you banned from the Des Moines Radisson.
I think it's because she always has that "who farted" look on her face like it's someone around her and not her farting. It's you who farted Lena and we all know it and they are pretty heinous. It's you, not the dog, not the makup artist or anyone else on set or your Gammy.
Oh thank you most merciful 2016 for sparing me from this.
comment\avatar synergy detected
"a girl who careens between wisdom and ignorance"
R.I.P. - Chihuahua in a handbag.
I was told we were not allowed to give ourselves nicknames.
Let the record show that with just days to spare, Dril was quoted on discus during [CURRENTYEAR]
She must be in a high tax bracket, probably cursed with decent health care as well poor thing.
I'm open, just let me know time\place.
Allison just last month had told the world that she was there at Lena's abortion and even helped afterward with the cleanup.
When using all caps, the volume does not actually increase on the readers computer.
I'm getting to old for this shit.