
The first rule of tautology club is the first rule of tautology club.


I think Paige will be a pretty easy sell on the whole spy thing.
Once she saw her mom make jamming a shiv through a hobo-rapist's neck look as easy as skewering s'mores for the campfire, she was all in.
Paige will do whatever it takes if it means she can learn mad skills like that.

Thanks SO VERY VERY MUCH for letting us know what will be important in the next episode. I'd hate to have to watch and figure it out for myself.

Christ on a cracker…that IS spoiling. Basically, you've told all of us that haven't watched episodes beyond this one that Todd & Emily will continue to have some type of relationship and it has an emotional impact on Todd.
Thanks SO, SO, MUCH. It's always easier to watch something when someone lets you know in advance

I know, I know…you said no spoilers. But every episode all I can think about is when Piper finally gets to the moon. So, WHEN?

When are they going to get to the moon?
I feel like I'm about to explode…

Not sure why everyone thinks that the show is angling to make Selina Tom James' VP, since that's not constitutionally feasible. Also, I don't think Hugh Laurie is looking for a permanent job on the show
I think Tom James will, indeed, become acting Prez. In the next season they'll do a time jump (say 1 or 2 years).

I know you said no spoilers, but can't somebody tell me when will Piper finally go to the moon?
I mean, I'm waiting here and I really need a new tattoo…

Paige: Hey Mom, since we might be in danger, can you teach me how to defend myself?
Elizabeth: I guess I could show you a few things.
Paige: Great…how 'bout we start with that move where you jam a shiv into a hobo-rapist's neck? 'Cause that was pretty freakin' awesome!

In all fairness to Paige's reaction, I remember the first time I saw my Mom kill a hobo-rapist. The whole thing kinda put a zap on my head and it took me a few days to fully process what had gone down…

1. If you're going for a walk in a cacti-filled desert, wear shoes.

The series will end with Daeny finding a pair of ruby slippers in her closet and realize that all she needs to do is put them on, click her heels, and repeat "there's no place like home" three times…

I know they're new to the pop-culture pantheon, but "Bunny & Kitty; two of a kind" should decide that there's only room for one at the top…

Does this include the the Oprah chair used in "The Last Man on Earth"?
If its still got Kristen Schaal's buttprint, I'll bet a bidding war breaks out…

Well, I am beginning to regret having it stapled shut.

Unlike every PC reactionary who had feinting spells over the perceived inappropriateness of this fictional, humorous character, my butt has remained and will continue to remain a crawl-free zone…

Now that the "Jacqueline" story has played out satisfactorily, do all you hand-wringing critics care to apologize for and rescind all your pearl-clutching comments about how offensive you considered this character?

Same same

Yeah, I loved the ones with Vinnie Chase…